Sermons Archive

Recent Sermons
Whether you’re checking out First Friends for the first time, or catching up on a missed sermon, we’re glad you’re here! Below you can find our most recent sermons.
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The Ten Commandments
Although we are familiar with the concept of the Ten Commandments and may even be able to list a number of them, we are often NOT aware of how God’s character, grace, and love permeate His law. Over the first three months of 2025, we will look together into the Ten Words that God gave Israel at Mount Sinai. Our goal will be to see God reveal Himself to the ancient Jewish nation, and to receive that same revelation as a church family in our contemporary context.

Waiting for the Light
Waiting … something each one has experienced, but few enjoy. From the moment that sin entered the world and everything plunged into spiritual darkness, all creation has been waiting for the Light. Those who believe in Jesus live with the odd tension of having already met the light of Christ, yet at the same time continuing to wait longingly for the fulfillment of Jesus’ victory at the end of all things. This Advent season we will remember the waiting of the Jewish people for the arrival of the promised Messiah that never seemed to come. We will also contemplate what it means for us to wait for the perfection of heaven. Christian waiting is not passive—how should we wait, and what should we be doing as we wait for the Light of eternity to dawn?