Featured Events

Holy Week
April 13–20
We invite you to join us during this Holy Week as we journey together through these sacred events. Whether you’re familiar with church or this is your first time, we would love to have you with us! Come as you are, bring your family and friends, and let’s celebrate together the hope we have through Jesus’ victory over death. We can’t wait to see you there!
Palm Sunday Service; 9am & 10:30am
Join us as we remember Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Good Friday Service; 6:30pm
A solemn service of reflection and remembrance of Christ’s sacrifice.
Easter Sunday Celebration; 9am & 10:30am
Come celebrate the joy of Christ’s resurrection with us in a spirit of thanksgiving and worship!

Women of Influence
Saturday, April 5, 10am–noon
Our guest speaker, Darla Miller, is a foreign language educator and wife of Malone’s President, Dr. Greg Miller. Come and hear Darla share her story. A continental breakfast is provided.

Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19 at 1:00pm
Bring your little ones (birth through 4th grade) for a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt at First Friends! It’s going to be a day of excitement, joy, and of course, lots of eggs to find!
Don’t forget to bring your own basket to collect eggs! We will meet in the Worship Center before heading outside (weather permitting). Can’t wait to see you rain or shine for this special family event.

Water Baptism
April 20
We will be having water baptism on April 20, Easter Sunday. If you are interested in getting baptized, a one-time class is required. Call or email Nancy at the church to sign up, npetroff@firstfriends.org or 330-966-2800.

Guest Lunch
Sunday, April 27 at Noon
If you are new to our church and looking to get connected to our ministries, this is a great first step. Meet Pastor Nathanael and other staff members as you get acquainted with our First Friends Family.
Please register online or at the FFC welcome center so we can plan accordingly.

S.H.A.P.E. Begins
Join Pastor Shawn Yost on Sunday mornings at 9am, March 23–June 1 as he teaches from the book S.H.A.P.E. by Erik Rees. In this class, you will uncover your unique Spiritual gifts, Heart, Abilities, Personality, and Experiences. This study will help you find and fulfill your unique purpose for life.