Next Steps

How can you get connected?
These steps are not meant to be done in order or even to complete all of them. They are designed as an outline for some intentional Next Steps you can take in your walk with the Lord.
Learn &
Connect &
Serve &
Go &

Step 1: Learn and Know
Learn and know who Jesus is and who we are as a church body
- Learn what it means to follow Jesus
- Attend an event or service
- Learn about FFC
- Attend a Guest Luncheon
- Questions about Jesus and Christianity? Take the Alpha Class

Step 2: Connect and Grow
Connect and Grow with others and the Lord.
- Engage in the Word, prayer, worship, and giving (Bible reading plan)
- Participate in Sunday morning Services
- Be baptized
- Join a class or Equip Group
- Become a member

Step 3: Serve and Train
Receive training to serve in the church and community.
- Take the SHAPE class
- Serve with a ministry
- Lead a small group or Triad
- Become an Intern
- Leadership development training*
*These areas are still under development.

Step 4: Go and Proclaim
Go and Proclaim the good news of Jesus.
- Take an evangelism class*
- Share your story with our Testimony Tool
- Go on a mission trip
*These areas are still under development.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions contact Shawn Yost, Pastor of Next Steps.

Frequently Asked Questions about Next Steps
No! Different classes and opportunities are offered at different times. Feel free to just around!
No! Different classes and opportunities are offered at different times. Feel free to just around!