Gospel in Lent

Pulling Weeds & Planting Seeds…

As a church family we are asking everyone to participate in 40 days of prayer with “fasting” for spiritual renewal and Gospel harvest. We are asking God to do a deep renewal work in all of us so we can be part of his Gospel “Good News” seed planting mission.  Lent is a season of self-examination, repentance, fasting, and prayer leading up to resurrection Sunday. Lent begins Wednesday, February 14 and ends Saturday, March 31. Easter is April 1st.

Click HERE to download this lent plan as a PFD. 

Click HERE to download the PRAY Scripture reading plan.


Instructions: “Pulling weeds and planting seeds”

  1. P.R.A.Y. Scripture with Luke 8:1-15 to examine the “soil” of your heart. What areas of your heart have become hardened and need plowed up? What are the rocks that need removed? What thorns and thistles need pulled so they don’t choke out the good plants? Is your life bearing abundant spiritual fruit? Is that fruit producing seed that is scattered into the souls of those around you, and those who are lost without Jesus?

  2. Take time to be quiet and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you about how and what you should “fast” (abstain) during Lent.     Pull the “weeds” out by the roots to make room for good growth.
    * Here are some suggestions:
    a. Choose to go without a certain food or drink (fast) as a sacrifice that reminds you to pray and remove the “rocks or weeds” from the soil of your life.
    b. Choose to go without (fast) TV, social media, texting, email, YouTube, etc. for a period of time each day. Consider going without it for an entire day each week. Use this time to listen and communicate with the Holy Spirit in Scripture. Also listen and commune with those around you. Be “present” with God and others without distraction.

  3. Plant Gospel seeds in your soul through P.R.A.Y. Scripture.
    a. Do the two P.R.A.Y. Scripture passages each week listed on the weekly reading plan at firstfriends.org and our mobile App. Pick up a “P.R.A.Y. Scripture” book if you don’t have one to learn about listening prayer.
    b. Optional Challenge: Daily read and meditate on a passage from Luke’s Gospel. For a reading plan go to: www.bible.com/reading-plans/1494-lent-journey-according-to-luke

  4. Gospel seeds of God’s presence in the lives of others through prayer and spiritual conversation.
    a. Seed Question: Is there anything I can pray for you about
    Pray “FOR” people later…
    Pray “WITH” people right then …
    * Pray a short simple prayer using their own words.
    b. Seed Word: Share a brief word of spiritual encouragement or a story of hope from your own life.

* Let’s prepare ourselves for an Easter celebration of 
resurrection fruit and harvest individually and in our church!

“P.R.A.Y. Scripture” Instructions: (Summary)

“P.” – PRAY and invite God to speak to you by His Holy Spirit.
“R.” – READ the passage slowly and in 2-3 different translations.
“A.” – ASK conversational questions of Jesus about the passage.
            LOVE Jesus – How does this passage help me to love God?
            LIVE For Jesus – Is there anything God is asking me to do or say that will transform me as I live for Him?
            LEAD Others To Jesus – How does this passage help me live and share the Gospel with my words and actions?
“Y.” – Yield Prayer: “Yes, Lord…_____________________________________________